Circles of Belief - The World’s Spiritual Traditions and Beyond
In the more than 30 years since I began to write about spirituality and the world’s religions, the spiritual landscape has changed in many ways, and the publishing world has evolved as well. For that reason, I’m choosing to publish my most recent work as a Kindle eBook, entitled Circles of Belief: The World’s Spiritual Traditions and Beyond. My goal is to reflect the interconnected nature of the planet’s wisdom traditions along with the many related fields of spirituality that cannot be categorized as “religion” per se. ​In my previous books—Once A Catholic (1987), Through the Labyrinth (1991), and The Joy of Sects (1996/2006), I have described the beliefs and practices of the major religions and their offshoots—including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Kabbalah, Christianity, Islam, Sufism—as well as the wide range of beliefs and practices categorized loosely as the New Age.
In Circles of Belief, while incorporating much of the historical background of those traditions brought up to date, I focus more intensively on developments in the spiritual realm that have occurred outside the major traditions within the last hundred years or so. While I describe how New Thought and Theosophy grew into the revolutionary movement of the New Age, for example, I’m writing for the first time about the rise of significant phenomena such as “Spiritual but not Religious,” secular nondualism, and the many forms of “evolutionary spirituality” based on meditation practices.
At the same time, I write about a major development occurring along the interface of science and spirituality that can be characterized as a debate over whether human consciousness exists outside the brain—an issue with both scientific and spiritual significance of the first order. In a lengthy final chapter devoted in large part to this ongoing dispute, you will read about the relationship between quantum physics and spiritual beliefs; the study of out-of-body and near-death experiences; after-death communications including the role of mediumship; past life and life between lives regression; rebirth and the accurate recall of previous lives by children under the age of six; and other evidence suggesting that what some call the soul or spirit or buddhanature, and others identify simply as consciousness, continues beyond physical death.
Although the majority of mainstream scientists, atheists, and academics currently deny this possibility, a number of highly respected researchers, scientists, and medical practitioners have been accumulating evidence that life endures after the death of the body—a continuous existence that is substantially different from both the afterlife taught by Western religions and the concept of reincarnation as understood in the Eastern traditions. To my mind, this is the burning question of the day, one whose answer can have significant implications for how humanity responds to its current perilous condition. If we genuinely understand that our core essence will return in future lives—rather than arriving to stay in some mythical heaven or hell, gaining rebirth based on our current social class, or ending in unconscious nothingness—I believe the planet as a whole would take a much more enlightened approach to social and environmental justice. As the visionary Aldous Huxley put it in The Perennial Philosophy: “The politics of those whose goal is beyond time are always pacific; it is the idolaters of past and future, of reactionary memory and Utopian dream, who do the persecuting and make the wars.”
You can read an excerpt from Circles of Belief here>>

In his groundbreaking book, psychotherapist Mel Schwartz shares how to utilize a new way of thinking in our everyday lives, allowing us to transcend our limitations and open ourselves to infinite possibilities.
The Possibility Principle explains how we can live the life we choose, free from the wounds of our past and the limitations of our beliefs and thoughts.
Drawing on his two decades of research into the principles of quantum physics, and dozens of client success stories, Schwartz shows us how to break through communication impasses, create resilient relationships, build authentic self-esteem, and overcome anxiety and depression.
I helped to write both the proposal and the final manuscript for Mel’s book. Filled with profound and applicable insights, The Possibility Principle will galvanize you to become the author of your life’s script.

Sarada’s spiritual journey is indicative of the evolution of consciousness taking place today around the globe. While working at a demanding job, raising two daughters, and helping her businessman husband heal from heart issues, she began exploring deep meditation in the Indian tradition. After she had profound Kundalini experiences, she sought out an advanced teacher from India and has worked with her for years. I met Sarada five years ago, and recognized the authenticity of her spiritual journey. I subsequently worked with her to create and shape the manuscript that became Home at Last, and helped her find the appropriate publisher as well.
Her book explains specific landmarks that we encounter during the journey toward enlightenment, based on the author’s direct experience. Sarada lets readers know what they can expect when confronting the mysterious, awakened inner force called kundalini. It explains how our outlook and goals change radically as kundalini directs our day-to-day life. Part spiritual memoir, part meditation handbook, Chiruvolu’s writings are clear and accessible yet contain profound spiritual insights covering:
The nature of prana, or vital life force, and how to increase its presence.
The process of transmitting pranic energy from teacher to student.
Detailed information on the roles of diet, exercise, and training the mind in preparation for the journey of realization.
The physical and psychological challenges one can expect during the extended process of awakening.
Possible impediments to raising the energy, and how to transcend them.
How to adapt to living and working with this powerful new energy in the context of everyday life.
The Joy of Sects: A Spirited Guide to the World's Religious Traditions

Religion is one of the oldest human activities, and even in the present day pervades almost every aspect of human life. Yet it is divided into so many different sects with so many confusing beliefs, laws, rituals, and terminologies, that you can't tell the players without a program. The Joy of Sects overcomes this confusion by presenting a rich trove of information in a concise, browsable format.
It is a guidebook to the world's religious traditions not only for the devout follower but also for the interested outsider, for the curious unbeliever, and for anyone who ever wondered about the difference between karma and dharma, yin and yang, samadhi and satori, Talmud and Torah, the astral plane and the akashic record, Pharisees and Sadducees, Sunnis and Shiites, Aricans and Eckists.
Here you will find detailed narrative histories of the six great religious traditions of East and West -- Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam -- along with information on related traditions such as Sikhism, Shinto, Confucianism, Gnosticism, Bahai, Zoroastrianism, and the many disparate beliefs and practices that make up the New Age. Each chapter contains brief sections on the sacred scriptures, places of worship, terminologies, and listings of the numerous sects, denominations, orders, and schools that compose the great millefleur tapestry of world religion.
Once A Catholic: Prominent Catholics and Ex-Catholics Reveal the Influence of the Church on Their Life and Work
An oral history of some of the most outspoken and introspective Catholics and former Cathoics in the United States, Once A Catholic offers up a unique and lively conversation about the subtle impact of the Church on a wide range of artists and writers, theologians and clergy, men and women who share the indelible imprint of having grown up Catholic.
Separate chapters focus on autobiographical accounts of such engaging and articulate figures as Pulitzer Prize journalist and novelist Jimmy Breslin, comic and best-selling author George Carlin, popular and critically acclaimed novelist Mary Gordon, film great Martin Scorsese, former presidential candidate Sen. Eugene McCarthy, conservative spokesman Michael Novak, former nun and political activist Elizabeth McAlister, former light heavyweight champion of the world Jose Torres, novelist Robert Stone, prioress and columnist SisterJoan Chittister, Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione, and musician extraordinaire Frank Zappa—among others.
Discussing everything from the positive influence on Catholic girls of attending schools run entirely by religious women to an almost universal dissatisfaction with the Mass in English, these 26 highly original thinkers provide insights not only into the mark left by Catholicism on their life and creative work, but also into the state of Roman Catholicism today.
Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential by Caroline Myss
New York Times bestselling author and medical intuitive Caroline Myss has found that when people don’t understand their purpose in life the result can be depression, anxiety, fatigue, and eventually physical illness—in short, a spiritual malaise of epidemic proportions. Myss’s experience of working with people led her to develop an insightful and ingenious process for deciphering your own Sacred Contract—or higher purpose—using a new theory of archetypes that builds on the works of Plato, Jung, and many contemporary thinkers.
Myss examines the lives of the spiritual masters and prophets—Abraham, Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad—whose archetypal journeys illustrate the four stages of a Sacred Contract and provide clues for discovering your own. Myss explains how you can identify your particular spiritual energies, or archetypes—the gatekeepers of your higher purpose—and use them to help you find out what you are here on Earth to learn and whom you are meant to meet. Exploring your Sacred Contract will shine a light on the purpose and meaning of your life. You are meant to do certain tasks and to have certain relationships.
In coming to know your archetypal companions, you also begin to see how to live your life in ways that make the best use of your personal power and lead you to fulfill your greatest—in fact, your divine—potential. Both visionary and practical, Sacred Contracts is a bold, powerful work of spiritual wisdom. Without a doubt, your most intriguing challenge in life is to recognize your spiritual commitments and live them to the fullest.
Healing Cards by Caroline Myss & Peter Occhiogrosso
The inspiration for this deck of 50 cards derived from Peter Occhiogrosso’s study of the healing wisdom from the world’s spiritual traditions. Working with renowned teacher and author Caroline Myss, he extracted insights and direct quotations from the sacred writings of Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Native American and other traditions. This healing wisdom is part of the universal spring of mystical insight that all the great traditions have in common, and that transcends sectarian beliefs and dogma. Caroline created a brief suggestion for applying each of these healing wisdom insights in everyday life, in a form designed to heal whatever aspect of your life you choose to address. The healing wisdom appears on the front of each card, the practical application on the reverse. The cards come with a booklet that Peter wrote to explain and elaborate upon the source of each card’s healing wisdom.
The cards, featuring the artwork of master illustrator Janice Fried, are produced and distributed by Hay House, Inc., and have remained in print continuously since 2003. A media company has produced a mobile app that puts the cards at your fingertips. The fully illustrated front and back of each card is included in the app along with the complete text of the booklet that accompanies the original deck. That text explains the provenance of each card's healing wisdom, including sourcebooks for further reading, along with Peter’s own insights into the universal mystical wisdom that
Aldous Huxley called the “Perennial Philosophy.”
The Real Frank Zappa Book by Frank Zappa with Peter Occhiogrosso
“An autobiography of mostly hilarious stories...fireside war tales from the big bad days of the rockin' sixties...primer of the sonic avant-garde, the book bashes favorite Zappa targets and dashes a few myths about the man.” Vanity Fair
“This book belongs in every home.” The New York Post
Determined to write a book that had `` real stuff in it,'' the outspoken Zappa, one of the most inventive and controversial artists of the past 20 years, is frank, often disgusting, and always entertaining in describing his life (``How weird am I, anyway?''), his philosophy of music (``Take it or leave it, I now will this to be music ''), and art in general (``The most important thing in art is The Frame ''). Zappa also relates his opinions about the music performing and recording industries, but then rattles on about a myriad of things: church, drugs, yuppies, politics. The book would have benefited from a discography
and a bibliography. Recommended for libraries with large pop culture collections. Library Journal
The Promise of Love, Sex, and Intimacy:
How a Simple Breathing Practice Will Enrich Your Life Forever by Mark Whitwell
Even amidst the plethora of techniques now available for so-called enlightenment—from meditation and visualization to intensive prayer retreats or obsessive exercise regimens— the need for intimacy has been left unsatisfied. Requiring just seven minutes a day, the practice taught in this book—called “Your Seven-Minute Wonder”—answers that need by opening the body and psyche to gratifying levels of personal and sexual intimacy. It is the practical means that allows you to tangibly realize your ideals and inherent perfection. Renowned teacher Mark Whitwell, who has spent a lifetime studying the secrets of life with the great masters, has seen through to the heart of their understanding, and created a simple way for readers to acquire it for themselves.
“Your Seven-Minute Wonder” is a physical practice—a combination of healthful breathing sustained by synchronistic body movement. Its purpose is to be uplifting and totally functional: a dynamic interflow of “inspiration” or inhalation (receptivity), with the “expression” or exhalation (strength). This in-and-out breathing cycle, which Mark carefully delineates, activates the deep male-female polarity within each of us, regardless of gender.
Tell It to the King by Larry King with Peter Occhiogrosso
“The King'' was a Dodgers-worshipping kid from Brooklyn who went on to star in his own TV and radio call-in talk show. In this capacity he has had the opportunity to chat with baseball greats Jackie Robinson, Stan Musial and Joe DiMaggio, as well as with notables of stage, screen, politics, finance, law, organized crime, literature, and thousands of names spanning the world of celebrity. King attributes his success to the curiosity he expresses in an interview situation: “What made you decide to . . . ?” From more than 30 years' accumulation of interviews, the authors here assemble a host of anecdotes illuminating, embarrassing, hilarious, poignant, involving the likes of Lenny Bruce, Don Rickles, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Hubert Humphrey, Jacqueline Susann and Judith Krantz (“a little mouse”).
King retains a boyish admiration for an earlier broadcaster, his acknowledged mentor Arthur Godfrey, about whom he says, “The best thing he did was that he did himself.” The same can be said for the King. Book of the Month Club alternate. – Publishers Weekly
CD set - Creating a Personal Spiritual Practice by Peter Occhiogrosso and Lench Archuleta
Many people on the spiritual path have expressed the desire to create a personal spiritual practice that can be integrated into their daily experience. In this set of 8 CDs, recorded live at a three-day workshop held at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y., Lench Archuleta and Peter Occhiogrosso present a diverse array of wisdom, rituals, and traditional methodologies from which to create your own daily practice. Working separately and together, Lench and Peter draw on both Native American and Eastern traditions that connect Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Peter teaches:
breathing techniques from Tibetan and Indian yoga that help generate energy and increase body awareness
exercises from the Chinese Qigong tradition
several forms of meditation and prayer
suggestions for sacred reading
Lench shares Native rituals and teachings drawn from his background as a Yaqui shaman including:
"Honoring the Four Directions"
"The Wisdom of the Solitary Bird"
Both Lench and Peter offer suggestions for creating a home altar to facilitate your personal spiritual practice. Creating a Personal Spiritual Practice consists of 8 CDs containing more than 8 hours of teaching, with a detailed track menu on the cover to help locate specific teachings and
practices. $65 plus shipping.
DVD Building a Personal Spiritual Practice by Peter Occhiogrosso and Lench Archuleta
• Create a Sacred Space in Your Home (Lench & Peter, 40:45)
• Ground Your Practice with Breath and Movement (Peter, 15:30)
• Carry Awareness of the Sacred in Country & City (Lench, 28:35)
Many people want to create a Personal Spiritual Practice that they can integrate into their daily experience, but aren't sure how to go about it. In this DVD, two teachers from different backgrounds explain a few basic elements of practice in detail. Yaqui healer Lench Archuleta joins author, spiritual teacher, and breathing instructor Peter Occhiogrosso to show how to create a sacred space almost anywhere in your home. Lench builds an altar based on Native principles of reverence for the natural world, while Peter draws on his comprehensive knowledge of spiritual traditions to integrate a variety of sacred images and objects into an attractive interfaith altar.
Lench then describes how to see the sacred in both urban and country landscapes, showing viewers the ritual of creating a sacred circle in the woods. Peter demonstrates a classic Qigong exercise called the Swimming Dragon, learned directly from Master Kwan Sai-hung, which helps to cleanse the small and large intestines and promote flexibility and deep breathing. Together, Lench and Peter offer an interactive combination of Native American and Eastern traditions based on workshops they have taught together at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY, and The Crossings in Austin, Texas. This DVD makes a helpful visual counterpart to their 8-CD set also on this site.
Through the Labyrinth: Stories of the Search for Spiritual Transformation
A reevaluation of their secular humanist stances drew many of those whose stories we hear in this collection to alternative approaches to spirituality. Occhiogrosso, author of Once a Catholic , in which prominent figures assessed the effects of their early religious training, interviewed a range of people whose lives continue to be transformed by spiritual experience. Among them are a Catholic couple who finds fulfillment within the context of their faith; a former Wall Streeter who founded Centurion Ministries, an apostolate to prisoners; a Christian who leads an Islamic mosque in New York City. Perhaps most vividly told is the journey of Barbara Grizzuti Harrison, author of Visions of Glory: A History and Memory of Jehovah's Witnesses, which brought her back to the church of her childhood. These tales indicate that there is widespread spiritual practice and awareness in America. Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Occhiogrosso (Once a Catholic, 1987) offers profiles, based on in-depth interviews, of 14 men and women of every religious stripe who encountered a vital spiritual force that changed their lives. The author begins with Lex Hixon, a white-haired, pajama-clad scholar and religious man for all seasons. A sheik of a Sufi order, Hixon (born an Episcopalian) also claims to be an Eastern Orthodox Christian as well as a follower of Hindu Vedanta and a meditator in the Tibetan Buddhist mode. Despite the potential for spiritual confusion, Hixon finds a commonality among these faiths, cautioning against ``self-made'' religions: ``Those peripheral developments have always occurred, but the main forces within religion have been vibrant communities, rich in depth, and not simply circling around one charismatic individual.''
More conservatively, a middle-class Boston couple whom Occhiogrosso profiles explains how, after a weekend retreat called "Marriage Encounter,'' they discovered that Roman Catholicism could be experienced as a vibrant spiritual community.
Their faith inspired the couple to sacrifice their wealth and security in order to minister to the poor. Often Occhiogrosso zeroes in on practical applications of spirituality- -e.g., in the case of Bernard Glassman, a Zen master who is trying to develop an American Zen of business and social action by running a bakery and an agency to help the homeless in blighted Yonkers. Other notable profiles include those of Paul Lowe, a maverick guru who once served as a swami under the notorious Rajneesh, and Kathryn Quick, a Long Island housewife and mother who gave up her heritage of Conservative Judaism for the awakening of ``Kundalini'' power under the direction of famed Hindu Swami Muktananda. Enlivened by Occhiogrosso's account of his own wide-ranging religious quest, these stories illuminate and feed our near- boundless American need for some palpable proof of the power of the spirit. -- Copyright ©1991, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
Books by Peter Occhiogrosso with Ron Roth, Ph.D.

Like Larry Dossey's best-selling Healing Words, Ron Roth & Peter Occhiogrosso's The Healing Path of Prayer reveals a highly effective method of daily prayer for connecting to inner and higher healing energy. Even the most conservative Christian congregations now conduct healing and prayer services, yet individual seekers are still searching for the best ways to pray. In his long-awaited first book for an ecumenical readership, internationally renowned spiritual healer Ron Roth teaches his unique approach to prayer as energy medicine.
As he revitalizes many tired, traditional prayers with his insightful, inspiring reinterpretations from original scripture, Roth also recounts the dramatic story of his discovery of his abilities as a healer, as well as true cases of healing in which he has
participated. Roth's instruction on how to pray and establish a daily practice of meditation will lead readers into a vital path of everyday mysticism and personal power.
RON ROTH served in the Roman Catholic priesthood for more than 25 years before devoting his life entirely to teaching modern mysticism and healing through prayer to people of all faiths. Before he died in 2009 at the age of 71, Roth appeared on Oprah and other television programs and founded of the Celebrating life Institute in Peru, Illinois.

The Holy Spirit is a lot more than the wispy image of a dove or the abstract theological designation as the Third Person of the Holy Trinity with which most Christians in the West were raised. The Holy Spirit is the active force of God's energy in each of us, guiding and directing us from within. If we can learn to listen to the urgings of Spirit and follow them, our daily lives will become much easier and more fulfilling. The energy of the Holy Spirit can assist us to be great healers, enthusiastic entrepreneurs, motivating speakers and teachers, great artists, innovators, or inventors. Just to be aware of the workings of the Holy Spirit on an everyday basis will lead to an awareness of our own limitless possibilities, for the very reason that at the core of our being we are Spirit, emanations of divine light.
If we can begin to understand how the Spirit operates continuously in our lives, then our daily existence will become less stressful and more relaxed, filled less with drudgery and more with enchantment, and we in turn can become more creative and begin to enjoy a new sense of purpose, fulfillment, and enthusiasm. In place of that stress and drudgery will come a sense of peace, harmony, balance, and tranquility arising from the knowledge that we are protected, guided, loved, and never abandoned. Once you learn to recognize the presence of the Spirit within, you will exude joy as your desires for success and fulfillment spur plans that seem to evolve from nowhere at the instigation of the Spirit.
This book combines a clear explanation of the underlying principles of Spirit--its many symbols, manifestations, and extraordinary gifts--with a series of exercises to help readers learn to detect and follow the subtle counseling of the Spirit within each of us. It concludes with a detailed outline for starting your own prayer group to release the power of the Holy Spirit in your life and share it with others.
"My mission is to make God credible once again to the people who have lost faith in organized religion but still desire a spiritual life. I base my teachings about the Holy Spirit on my immediate experience of the Spirit at work in my own life. These teachings are not abstract statements, but have been road-tested. They are intended to make your life easier and more fulfilling in a direct way. The Buddha repeatedly urged the curious to 'come and see,' to investigate his teachings and techniques for themselves, rather than to base their beliefs on faith. I make the same invitation to all of you. Don't be concerned about whether the teachings in this book correspond to what you may have been taught about the Holy Spirit as a child. If what I have to say corresponds to your own experience, then the spiritual exercises I suggest will help you be more actively aware of the workings of the Spirit within you, so that you can live your life more fully and richly. In the end, that's the only test that matters." Ron Roth, PhD

Ron Roth has been graced with healing abilities in his own life, yet he is convinced that all of us can learn how to use our innate healing faculties without waiting for the "healing guru" to come to town.
In this book, Roth explains how the body and mind cooperate in the healing process. Because mental programming creates results in our life, we need to begin by healing subconscious attitudes. This work is not so much a study of how to heal, but rather, how to stop blocking the flow of life. Learn how Ron Roth heals the sick, and how you can learn to do it, too!
This book is not intended to be a scholarly or theoretical work about medicine or religion. Rather it is a guide to help you take the simple healing principles that I have presented here into your life and apply them on a daily basis. My goal is to lead you to experience life and healing instead of just studying about it--and not so much how to heal others, but how to take care of your own health. Once you fully and deeply experience that self-healing, you can share it with others.
"What helps you learn healing principles most quickly is to practice these principles on yourself. When I have had to practice these prayer principles and affirmations on myself--to settle down the diabetes that was beginning to overtake me years ago, to alleviate the arthritic problems that were beginning to attack my hand, or when a lump began to grow under my arm--I have learned more about how the principles work than when I served as a vehicle to heal others." - Ron Roth, Ph.D
Stop Pain: Inflammation Relief for an Active Life by Vijay Vad, M.D. and Peter Occhiogrosso
by Vijay Vad, M.D. and Peter Occhiogrosso. Teaches you the ins and outs of pain—bringing to light the links between inflammation and other factors that increase pain. Covering everything from stress relief techniques to an anti-inflammatory diet, Dr. Vad shows you the things you can do to alleviate pain.
Do you feel trapped by chronic pain? Do you avoid going places and doing things you once loved, because getting there simply hurts too much?
If you are one of the estimated 50 million people who suffer with chronic pain, you know the impact it has on your life. But now, with advances in our understanding of pain, relief is possible with self-care options that will minimize your dependence on narcotics or medical procedures.
In Stop Pain, Vijay Vad, M.D., teaches you the ins and outs of pain—bringing to light the links between inflammation and other factors that increase pain. Covering everything from stress relief techniques to an anti-inflammatory diet, Dr. Vad shows you the things you can do to alleviate pain.Dr. Vad lays out concrete strategies for dealing with the most common pain problems.
He then addresses the possible risks and rewards of various treatments for other types of chronic pain. His analysis of conventional and complementary options—including everything from prescription medications and surgical intervention to physical therapy, acupuncture, and breathing exercises—will open your eyes to the many ways you can take back control of your life.
Arthritis Rx: A Cutting-Edge Program for a Pain-Free Life by Vijay Vad, M.D.
Arthritis does not have to mean a lifetime of prescription medications or debilitating pain. Dr. Vijay Vad, who has been on the cutting edge of arthritis research and treats many of today’s star athletes, has developed a proven system for easing arthritis through lifestyle changes.
A revolutionary three-part approach, the Arthritis Rx Plan details:
• The best nutritional and other supplements for managing arthritis• The Arthritis Rx Diet—including an anti-inflammatory nutrition plan and a sample week with meals, recipes, and exercises• The Arthritis Rx exercises—three step-by-step exercise series, ranging from a gentle motion regimen to a strenuous core body workout, all demonstrated through over one hundred precise photographs. Dr. Vad’s patients are proof: In just fifteen minutes a day for eight weeks, tremendous healing and joint strengthening can occur using the exercises in combination with the Arthritis Rx nutrition and supplement plan. For the more than 43 million Americans battling this debilitating ailment, Arthritis Rx is a breakthrough prescription.
Extraordinary Guidance: How to Connect with Your Spiritual Guides by Liza M. Wiemer
A complete guide for readers of any religion, Extraordinary Guidance teaches readers how to contact the spiritual guides that watch over every soul, and to apply their wisdom for practical results in your everyday life as well as for a richer spiritual life. In the late 1980s, channeling was the popular way to receive spiritual guidance. In the early '90s, angels became accessible. Now we know we can go directly to the source—to the spiritual guides themselves—and Liza Wiemer reveals how everyone can contact his or her own spiritual guides for invaluable life guidance. She explains what spiritual guides are and provides easy and effective step-by-step instructions for connecting with them, including how to get in the right state of mind to talk with these powers that guide us.
Through examples and personal anecdotes of her own spiritual guide, named Wil, Wiemer shows how the discovery of the wisdom within enables people to make positive changes in their lives and help others to do the same, and, ultimately, to work toward bridging the gap between the spiritual and physical worlds. "Liza Wiemer opens doors to the soul that few of us realize even exist. Read this book, explore its methods, and open yourself to the wisdom to which each of us is heir. "Rabbi Rami M. Shapiro, author of Wisdom of the Jewish Sages .
Authored and Coauthored Books:
1985 Inside Spinal Tap (Arbor House).
1987 Once A Catholic: Prominent Catholics and Ex-Catholics Reveal the Influence of the Church on their Lives and work
1988 Tell It to the King, with Larry King (Putnam). New York Times Bestseller.
1989 The Real Frank Zappa Book, with Frank Zappa (Poseidon Press).
1990 Tell Me More, with Larry King (Putnam/St. Martin's).
1991 Through the Labyrinth: Stories of the Search for Spiritual Transformation in Everyday Life (Viking/Arkana).
1994 The Joy of Sects: A Spirited Guide to the World's Religious Traditions (Doubleday).
1996 Revised paperback edition of The Joy of Sects (Image).
1997 The Healing Path of Prayer: The Modern Mystic's Guide to Spiritual Power, with Ron Roth (Harmony/Three Rivers).
1997 Why People Don't Heal and How They Can, by Caroline Myss
1999 Prayer and the Five Stages of Healing, with Ron Roth (Hay House)
2000 Holy Spirit, with Ron Roth (Hay House).
2001 Holy Spirit for Healing, with Ron Roth (Hay House).
2001 Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential, by Caroline Myss
2002 Reclaim Your Spiritual Power, with Ron Roth (Hay House)
2005 The Joy of Sects, reissued by the Authors Guild/iUniverse
2019 Back Rx: A 15-Minute-a-Day Yoga- and Pilates-Based Program to End Back Pain, revised ed. (Avery/Penguin)
Ghostwritten and Assisted Books:
1995 Nice Work if You Can Get It, by Michael Feinstein (Hyperion)
1996 Extraordinary Guidance: How to Connect with Your Spiritual Guides, by Liza Wiemer (Three Rivers)
2000 The 3-Season Diet: Solving the Mystery of Food Cravings, Weight-loss, and Exercise, by Dr. John Douillard (Harmony)
2006 Arthritis Rx: A Cutting-Edge Program for a Pain-Free Life, by Vijay Vad, M.D. (Gotham)
2009 Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason, by Caroline Myss (Hay House)
2010 Stop Pain: A Natural Anti-Inflammatory Program for Pain-Free Life, by Vijay Vad, M.D. (Hay House)
2012 The Promise of Love, Sex, and Intimacy: How a Simple Breathing Practice Will Enrich Your Life Forever, by Mark Whitwell (Atria)
2015 Home at Last: A Journey Toward Higher Consciousness by Sarada Chiruvolu (White Cloud)
2017 The Possibility Principle: How Quantum Physics Can Improve the Way You Think, Live, and Love (Sounds True)